I changed the prompt colour from red to green to make it feel less like an error, while keeping it noticeable and aligning with the delivery information colour.
On the recommendation page, I wanted to reduce the effort for users to find relevant products. Since adding filter and sort options would extend development time, I decided to arrange wishlisted items at the top, sorted by how close they are to meeting the minimum spend requirement.
This message will only appear when X users have added the item to their bag or wishlist, showing that there's interest from others. However, if the item is low in stock (2 left, indicated by a red label), this message will not be displayed.
For placement, I positioned it right after the product name to ensure it doesn’t disrupt other related details.
With the goal of highlighting product discounts, I placed this information under the voucher section and changed the title from `Total Discount` to `Total Saving` to convey more positive message.
Ideally, I’d like to display the total of the product discount and voucher together, so the savings amount appears larger, but due to development effort, I’m going with this approach instead.
I decided to test both the floating bubble and sticky bar because these two components provide users with quick access at any time. The floating bubble is positioned on the left side for better thumb-friendliness.
I added an animated icon and made the saving amount really pop to grab users' attention and highlight their savings.
As the data shows that users frequently navigate back and forth on this page, I want to ensure they aren't bothered. So, I kept the modal to appear only twice per session and added a skip option. This allows us to monitor any potential annoyance for users.